Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Fear Of Milk

Where has the time gone.  I can hardly believe that we are going to be starting a brand new year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family.

Yesterday I read in Genesis 18:14 Is anything too hard for the LORD?  In the Life Application Bible, it said that I could insert any situation that I am facing into the anything category.  I had some things that I did put into that category.  I was also led to text a friend who I felt would be encouraged by this verse due to some things in their life.  The day went on.  The verse was on my mind.  This verse was so important to me that I even put it on my mirror.  Late in the day I over heard the news in passing they were saying that milk could go to 7 or 8 dollars a gallon.  My heart froze in fear.  What about my children?  How will we afford milk?  I stay at home.   A little while later my older son came in from spending his Christmas, he received gift cards from B*ckle this VERY expensive clothes store.  He had bought a pair of blue jeans. He was going out with friends for dinner and a movie, wearing the jeans.  I immediately was going on about if he should wear those jeans out that people are crazy.  A friend just told us of a student who went to get his girlfriend for shopping with his bonus money and was killed for his money. Someone might want those expensive jeans my older son was wearing.  Leon said all would be fine.  My older son looked at me like what planet was I on.  In my failing, I told him I was not a perfect mom, I just couldn't get a grip on my fear.  Now the verse comes flooding back to my mind.  Oh, how I get tired of messing up.  I am so thankful God is faithful.  Nothing really is too hard for the LORD.  I just have to take my hands off and trust. 

Forgive me for the fear that my situations were too hard for you to handle.  I love your Word.  I love that you always forgive and remind.  I am glad you gently lead back to the right path.  I hate that enemy that puts those traps in front of me and I fall.  With your help I will get back up and remember that NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR THE LORD.  These situations will definitely keep me close to you in prayer.
In Jesus name

Be reminded today no matter what,  Nothing Is Too Hard For The LORD!!!!!!!!!



  1. Kim so often I allow my fearful thoughts to run rampant... I have to turn to what I call my "worry scriptures" to get my heart and mind focused back on the Lord and not my circumstances. Its not easy but it is necessary.
    Love your posts!! You are such an encouragement to me!

  2. Hey Sweet Friend!!!! It so easy to get caught up in fear. I live in fear bondage too. We can pray for each other. We are Called. We are Chosen. We are Strong! We are Beautiful! We are Fearless!!! :)
