Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My One Word

Wow, we are only in a few days of this month and prayer is a very big part of my life.  When God convicts me of an area, he sure knows how to bring about the change in my life.

The biggest change that I am making right now is a prayer notebook.  I have had many in the past.  They have worked for a little while and then just fizzled out.  God was directing me one day to different blogs.  I came across this one about prayer.  Ended up looking at a book called, The Busy Mom's Guide to Prayer, by Lisa Whelchel.  It is no longer in the bookstores but you can order it from Lisa Whelchel's store.  It is a guided prayer journal.  I took all of her Ideas and put them in a 3 ring binder. 

I am so thankful to be learning to pray Scripture.  This is the only sure thing.  If any of you that know me personally want to see the set up of my prayer notebook I would be glad to show you and point you in the right direction of setting up your own.

James 5:16
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much



  1. Kim, I think there is no irony in the fact that when I was on the "Only A Breath" blog & was asked to encourage the last two bloggers that one of them happened to be you. My heart is heavy for you. . .I know you are dealing with a LOT right now. My two words for you are "He Knows." Never forget that. He knows your heart, He understands your pain, and He will see you through. Love you dearly.

  2. Love your word! Love your heart!!

  3. What an amazing word for 2013. I love the power of prayer and the daily, rejuvenating focus that comes when we take the time to connect with Heavenly Father. Thanks for sharing your process and your testimony. Happy Praying this year!
