Tuesday, February 19, 2013

President's Day

Little man has been sick for a good while now, so he has been at home with little sweetie and me.  He is starting to feel way better.  The time together let's just say is getting...mmmm a little close.  We all need to get back to the regular schedule:).  So yesterday in trying to come up with things to keep us busy we made books and drew pictures.  What was so funny to me is that little man was doing his own thing at this point, not really paying attention so I thought.  I made my book about my bird C. We stapled, used stickers and sounded out the words.  A while later this is what I found.

 Little man had made his own book.  I'm a little bird alone.  Now I have many friends.   Extra bird.  The end.  He put my book on the book shelf.  Now if you know anything about little man this was a shocker.  He has never done anything like this before.  I was so proud of him. 
Little sweetie just wanted to staple and then it was off to drawing.
How do we look.  The big girl is me :) and the little girl is her.  We are playing together.  We are so happy.  I love this drawing.  Precious.  I love our hair.  My hand is the letter E.  We have belly buttons.  :)  My older sons thoughts on the picture.  He said that I look like a Genii coming out of a bottle. 
So everyone went off to sweet dreams with Psalm 19:14 on their little minds.  Let my words and my thoughts make Jesus happy not sad.    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, o LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
Back to school and regular routine today.  I think we all are ready. 


  1. Aren't children's drawings so sweet? I honestly could keep every single one!!!

  2. Yayy!! He is better! Loved the time we all got to spend together! Kea talked about him and how they like some of the same things....esp Legos!!
