Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday's Thoughts

I can't even believe that we are in the month of February and almost to Valentine's Day. Our family is doing better with the loss of my brother.  We have our days.  On some days the kids will just pop up with I miss Uncle Steven.  My whole world stops.  Me Too, I tell them back.  But he is in Heaven with Jesus.  This is the only thing that gets me through.  The fact that one day I will see him again.
Whenever I see a monkey I think of him.  My mom has special things that she has with each one of her children.  Hers and Steven's were monkeys.  My brothers and I would do the above picture all of the time.  Hear, see, speak no evil. I wish he was still with us, but Jesus needed him more.

In hearing, seeing and speaking no evil, I think of two things that I am involved in this year.  Memorizing scripture.  This is really stretching me.  Not the memorizing part.  The verses themselves.  The verses are going into my life and belief system.  Living them out.  Another, is being accountable. This is also stretching me.  Is it worth it ?  YES!  Being accountable keeps me focused, grounded, growing, praying, sensitive, vulnerable and changing.  Is it easy?  No way.  On somedays it is just plain out brutal.  I mean that the Holy Spirit will come in and convict me on things that I didn't even know were going to come out of my life that particular day.

A verse that I leave you with today is Psalm 19:14.  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.  This verse was given to me this week by two very dear friends.  The part of the verse that is really sticking in my head is the meditations of my heart.  That they would be acceptable to the LORD.  Wow, this has really convicted me this week.  I can't get away from thinking about this thought.

1 comment:

  1. Love this Kim!! Love how God is working in your life! Conviction is HARD, but obedience will be blessed!!
    Love ya!
