Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine"s Day

I really do love Valentine's Day.  I guess if I had to pick a favorite special day it would be this one.  I tried to put Leon's E-card on here but could not.  He had his face in John Travolta's Grease lighting suit.  I was in Sandi's (Olivia Newton Johns) black pants, shirt and poofy blond hair.  it was so funny and yet so cute. 

I love the cute little Valentine's the kids give and the boxes their Valentine's go.  I love the Valentine Leon sent me.  It's really not about the stuff. To me it is just taking the time out to say an extra special I love you.  To me it is also a way to make people smile and feel special.   Valentine's Day makes me smile.  I sent out Valentine texts this year to all of the people I love.  I received texts and phone calls.

This year was different for me.  I didn't quite know how I was going to feel on this special day.  You see my brother Steven always contacted me on Valentine's day.  He may have forgotten my birthday or Christmas, but not Valentine's day.  So not to hear from him this year was on my mind.  I went through the day fairly well.  I had received a text at 8:30am from my brother Patrick.  This was the first time I had ever received one from him on Valentine's day and it touched me.  After a jammed packed day.  I finally was able to call my mom.  Through out the day I had prayed for the Lord to let me hear from Steven in a round about way.  Nothing.  I was talking to my mom, she said that Patrick had sent for the very first time Valentine's texts to all of my sisters, me and Shari.  This is was Steven did every Valentine's day.  He contacted all of us every year.  Tears streamed down my face.  It was like Steven had Patrick do for us what he couldn't, knowing we would need that to survive this years Valentine's day.


1 comment:

  1. Aww Kim. I know that you have hard days. Know that God knows better than you and He will hold you tight! Awesome that Patrick contacted you!
    Love & prayers!
