Thursday, April 25, 2013

At Our House

I love the verse in Psalm 141:8.  It talks about My Eyes being fixed on my Sovereign Lord. 

I am content with my life.  After talking with a very dear friend about staying at home, of which she shared and shed some very good light,  I have peace with Leon and my decision.

After some very difficult weeks, we are FINALLY seeing some light at the end of this tunnel.

Here are some things  that have been going on at our house with our family in the past week.
At bedtime devotions we are in the book of John.  Telling the story of Jesus and the woman at the well.  Explained that woman making comments back to Jesus was rude, not as nice as she needed to be.  When it came time for prayer requests Little Sweetie said she wanted to pray for the woman at the well that she would be nice to Jesus.  She was almost in tears.  We had only made it part way through the story.  We had to finish the story so Little Sweetie wouldn't be upset and would go to sleep.  I love her tender, compassionate heart.

We have watched this movie umpteen times.  The little ones giggle all throughout the movie.  When it is over they ask me to play it again.  They are playing as the movie is on.  We catch ourselves walking around the house saying, " I do not say, "bleh  bleh, bleh,bleh, bleh".  Laughter immediately breaks out.  On our way to school one day this week.  Little man said the light was too bright in his eyes.  I said something, he replied he was a bat.  Of course I cracked up.
March was Dr. Seuss month.  Little man love these books.  His favorite was Wacky Wednesday.  He has checked it out of the school library two times.  What is so funny is that he will not let us read it until Wednesday.  They giggle up a storm.  The book is all about things that are not right with the page.  I have a feeling we may see this book a third time.  At K*hls they have K*hls kids books.  This week they have Dr. Seuss.  The Sleep Book ( I wasn't familiar with)  was hilarious.  My little ones giggle.  We were laughing because they were laughing.  Leon was laughing because I kept getting tongue tied.  What a way to go to bed happy.  When some nights nobody wants to go to bed and it is definitely not happy.  One night little man went to bed this week he told me it wasn't bed time.  I said, "why not ?".  He told me look out that window, it is still light out.  That is okay.  It is bed time and we can still go to bed.

Bundled up after the kids in bed to go see this Meteor shower.  Freezing cold.  Didn't see like picture above, but did see stars twinkling very differently.  Even convinced Leon to bundle up and come out and look.  He came for a little while said he was going inside.  I said " I am going to wait a little longer."  He said," The moon was too bright."  I was mad at the moon.

 I started writing in this book.  This is a book I was given to record all of my thoughts about my brother who recently passed away.  It has only been three months and yet it feels like forever that he has been gone.  I don't want to forget the things about him that I love, so I am writing them in this book.  It is like a journal.

It has been a full week.  I am cherishing all the moments.  Life is short.  The days seem to go by so quickly.

1 comment:

  1. We love that movie at our house, too. I cracked up at "bleh, bleh, bleh". Silly. I had no idea it was a meteor shower. My daddy used to make us pile blankets outside and lay there and watch them as late as we wanted. Great memories.
