Monday, April 15, 2013

Little Man And Jesus In His Heart!

He is the one of many gifts God has given us in our family.  Little Man brings lots of joy.  He processes different than you and I.  He has his own little world where he spends a lot of his time.  In all of those little differences  the same Holy Spirit that came to you and I that have Jesus in our hearts came to him. 
At our home we are very much about the Word of God.  We have been teaching this to our children at a very young age.  We have talked about Jesus and the cross for as long as I can remember.  We have talked about how to get to Heaven just as long.  This year we let our little ones see the Easter Drama. 
Little Man's decision about Jesus was not just one day and the Holy Spirit spoke.  Jesus has been preparing his heart little by little through many avenues.  Yesterday, his Sunday School teachers lesson was on how Jesus can come into your heart.  That I when the Holy Spirit knocked on Little Man's heart door.  He told me in Church 3X that Jesus touched him and Jesus saved him.  I said yes I know He touched you (Little Man gets car sick, we pray every time we get in the car.  Jesus answers him prayer that what touched him means) what do you mean He saved you.  He said you know He is in my heart.  Of course I have to ask him 2x more just to make sure I understand what he is saying.  At this point he really knows what he is saying.  He then tells me I need to tell Preacher Dale.  I lean over in church and tell Leon all that is going on.  Leon decides that we all go and talk with Preacher Devin and let him talk with Little Man.  Little Man is very firm in his answers.  You just know when they have Jesus for real. 
Little Man is very happy about Jesus in his heart.  He is not really happy about all the people that said that to him yesterday or that touched him.  Again that is Little Man's special world.  I told him all he had to do was say thank you and they would go away.  :)  His response last night to all was thank you immediately.
This morning with a big smile on his face he said to me you don't remember yesterday do you?
I said yes I sure do, with a thumbs up.  He said do you think Preacher Paul and Preacher Dale remember yesterday.  I said yes they remember about Jesus in your heart.  He said your talking about it again.  So I go back to vague terms because that is what Little Man can handle.  This is a day that we are never going to forget.
Thank God for another family member with Jesus.  One family member left.
I am so thankful that Jesus brought little man too us.  He knew in our home Little Man would find Jesus.  I often wonder what Little Man's future would have been like had he not been placed with our family.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the same thing yesterday, Kim. "Lord, you have put him in THAT home FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!" Praise the Lord!!
